Emergency Medicine Club

This club is dedicated to all things Emergency Medicine related! Whether it's shadowing, clinical skills, research, the road to residency, or the life of an emergency physician - we've got you covered. Come out to our lunch talks and events that will be happening throughout the year. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at the address listed below. Along with the shadowbase, further details pertaining to our events will be posted on the University of Alberta Emergency Medicine Club Facebook page.

EM Club leaders: Kristi, Vincent and Cassidy 

Contact Email: uofa.emergency.club@gmail.com 

Annual Events:

Life of an Emergency Medicine Resident (October)

Introduction to EMS Shadowing (October)

Introduction to EM Research (November)

Ultrasound Clinical Skills (January)

Intubation Clinical Skills (March/April)

CaRMS Match Talk (March)

Online Resources for EM Education

Emergency Medicine Online Resource Links

All of this content is free and readily available on the internet. Emergency medicine is a very fortunate field to have so many wonderful educators producing high quality, evidence based content for students to learn from. Enjoy all of the following materials and if you are using them please ensure to provide feedback for all the materials on their websites or itunes to promote more FOAMed.

Resources for presenting medical cases

The three links below address presenting cases in a systematic manner.

The 3-minute emergency medicine medical student presentation: a variation on a theme.

A simplified document was prepared

Pocket card taken from EMBASIC for presenting cases

This article was written by Dr. Woods, the FR-EM program director at UofSask and outlines a systematic approach for managing patients in the ED.

History Taking in the Emergency Department

Shadowing and taking histories in the ED can be intimidating when you haven't covered the material in pre-clerk yet. The website has show note summaries for hx's of common presentations. For example: Chest pain history

General Emergency Medicine Resources

BoringEM Blog

BoringEM is a Canadian online blog dedicated to free online access medical education (FOAM) about emergency medicine! A great first stop for any student interested in learning more about EM

EM Basic

EM Basic is a great introductory podcast to fundamental EM topics presented in an interesting case format. Developed initially during his residency, Steve Carroll has designed this podcast for beginner learners making it an excellent place to start your FOAM podcast education.

Life in the Fast Lane

Life in the Fast Lane is one of the original EM blogs and touches on a vast number of EM concepts including ECGs, Toxicology and more. Although the content here is a little more advanced, it is still an excellent place for students to look for additional EM resources or solidify knowledge around a topic.


EM in 5 is the perfect educational tool for those quick trips on the bus or train. Aimed at both residents and medical students, these 5 minute lectures are both an informative and quick way to learn about a new topic or brush up on an old one.

The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine

Another Canadian FOAM product, the SGEM is a knowledge translation project attempting to disseminate years of accumulated evidence in emergency medicine in digestible bite-sized podcasts. Aimed at medical students, residents and attendings hoping to update their practice, this podcast is an excellent source of the latest literature and guidelines in a variety of EM topics.

Emergency Medicine Cases

Emergency Medicine Cases is one of the most comprehensive case format medical podcasts today. While again a little more advanced, these cases are presented in a style that medical students can learn a lot from even if some additional reading is required!


EMCrit is one of the most popular podcasts, not just in emergency medicine, but across all medical fields. Scott Weingart delivers an in-depth analysis of the most current literature on EM and critical care. Not primarily directed towards medical students, this podcast is fairly complex and a lot of additional reading and experience will be needed to fully grasp all the concepts. But don't let that stop you from enjoying one of the best medical podcasts available today!