Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA)

The Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) is made up of doctors, dentists, and students in training committed to integrating our faith in Jesus Christ with practicing medicine. We, Samantha, Sarah and Zhitao, are the student reps for the U of A chapter of CMDA. There are chapters like ours all over the country. We want to gather together anyone who wants to explore the radical person of Jesus, and explore how his revolutionary message challenges and shapes our medical and dental studies. We desire to see Jesus transform how we engage with our studies, and how we go about our lives.

Some things you can look forward to this year are: weekly lunch meetings to chat, study the Bible, and pray together, our annual Western Canada student retreat, and so much more! One of the things Jesus talks about the most is a new way of doing life, a place where the oppressed and marginalized are given priority, where healing and transformation abound, where a fulfilled life doesn't come from toil and hardship, but from intimate relationship with Creator. Come with us as we explore how the Jesus way invites us into something bigger than ourselves, in the midst of medical/dental school.

We would love to get to know you and support you in your Christian walk. Check out the national website for more info, our Facebook group and email us at 


- Samantha, Sarah and Zhitao, Your CMDA Student Representatives