Anesthesia Club

The Anesthesia Club provides students with an opportunity to learn about the specialty of anesthesia through a shadowbase, clinical skills sessions, and Q&A sessions with residents and clerks who matched to anesthesia. We have expanded upon the great work that was done last year in the Anesthesia Club, hosting events that allow students who have similar interests in the specialty to meet and learn together.  We have reinstated the shadowbase for pre-clerks, allowing students to sign up for shadowing shifts throughout the year and get insight into the speciality. We hope to expand our knowledge of the field of anesthesia through more talks with staff physicians and clinical skills sessions, as well as making lasting connections with those physicians. Here are some of the events you can look forward to this year:

●  Lunchtime introduction to the specialty talk

●  Shadowbase open to pre-clerkship students

●  Intubation simulation and skills session with anesthesia residents

●  CaRMS Q&A session with fourth year students recently matched to anesthesia

Your Anesthesia Club leads,


Jen Park (, 

Mason Schindle (,

Neel Phaterpekar (