Published by Ruthenian Bookstore - Winnipeg, MB


In 1911, shortly after he arrived in Winnipeg, Jacob Maydanyk published a serialized version of his new stage production, МАНІҐРУЛА* Manigrula [The Immigrant] (Marunchak 480). It was the first Ukrainian play written in Canada with a Canadian theme (Wynnyckyj 15). The lead character was named “Штіф Періг” [Shtif Perih/Steve Perogie]. He was the first iteration of the character Uncle Shtif. The play was republished in booklet form in 1915, and an edited version was printed in 1926. In retrospect, this Shtif was the first rendition of the now infamous character ‘Uncle Shtif’. Oseredok has hard copies of the 1915 and 1926 versions.

* Although the 1915 title was printed with the letter 'Г', earlier and later versions have it with a 'Ґ '.