Come Join the Conversation!

The CMVF3C is an ever-expanding network of partners:

Postsecondary Institutions (PSIs; (Colleges, Polytechnics, Cégeps, Universities, Private Career Colleges, Trades, Registrars), the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)/Department of National Defence (DND), Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), Military Family Services (MFS)/Military Family Resource Centres (MFRCs), and military and veteran connected and supporting organizations. 

Goals of the Conversation:

Leveraging post-secondary education

Fosters a coordinated approach to post-secondary education and supports for military members, Veterans, and their families.

Enhancing academic success

Well-positions military members, Veterans, and their families to maximize well-being and reach their potential and academic goals while in and following service.

Advancing the public good

Leverages leadership, expertise and professionalism of military members, Veterans and their families, for the greater good of Canadian and global society.

Facilitating collaboration

Create partnerships between Postsecondary Institutions (PSIs), the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)/Department of National Defence (DND), Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), Military Family Services (MFS)/Military Family Resource Centres (MFRCs), and military and veteran connected and supporting organizations.

Creating pathways for success & well-being

Clarify education, career and service pathways
Align and reduce duplication of effort, simplify processes


Sharing best practices, resources & knowledge

Shine a light on,  co-design and share best practices, processes and resources among postsecondary institutions, the Canadian Armed Forces, Veterans Affairs Canada , Military Family Services, and military and veteran connected and supporting organizations.


The CMVF3C brings post-secondary institutions (PSIs), the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)/Department of National Defence (DND), Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), industry partners and service organizations together with military recruits, members and Veterans pursuing post-secondary education (PSE) and their families to: