Buka Gallery

The Buka Gallery

is named for our clinic founder, Dr. Irena Buka, who established ChEHC in 1997. Irena retired in 2019 but continues to be involved in clinical and research activities. She has been an active proponent for child health and the environment, both from the perspective of the individual child, and on the global scale, since long before she began ChEHC. She believes that all children are born with unlimited potential, and they deserve a clean and healthy environment to help them reach that potential. The art in this gallery is intended to honour her work through the perspective of children and young adults, who realize, like Irena, how important the environment is to our health and well-being.

Anonymous, age 16

Anonymous, age 3

Anonymous, age 6

Anonymous, age 9

Anonymous, age 9

Anonymous, age 10

Anonymous, age 8