Hello May

Mrs. Dimmick's

1st Grade Class 


 Hello Students & Families ~ Welcome to the 4th Quarter!

Below are some important dates and information.

STAR Testing:



Garbage Monster Project & Presentation (COMPLETED)

Digital Animal Research & Google Slides Presentation


Class End of Year Annual Awards Party:

Thursday, May 23rd

1 pm - 2 pm

If you have not had the opportunity, 

please RSVP family members who

wish to attend. Please go to the



May Newsletter

May Newsletter 2024_Team Distro Copy (1).pdf

Homework and UFLI

Homework (UPDATED February 2024):

Approximately 10 minutes of homework will be assigned and expected to be completed 4 nights a week (M-Th). Below is the anticipated schedule. If there are any supplemental materials required, such as paper, book, or chart, those will be sent home in your student's go home binder as needed: 

There may be week's where we do not have homework on Wednesday based upon the student's demonstration of the skill. On those week's it is encouraged to please have your student read 10-15 mintues from thier library book. 

LINK TO our Media Center:  https://sites.google.com/tvcs.org/vcselemmediacenter 

Want books for your child's home library? You can order through Scholastic and they will ship to me for FREE. (information will be sent home soon!)


UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institute developed the phonics program that has been recently adopted by The Villages Charter School towards our student's literacy goals. For more detailed information about this phonics curriculum please visit the UFLI Parent Hub at https://ufli.education.ufl.edu/resources/parent/

As part of that program UFLI developed a home practice that is designed to be a short home practice that reinforces the skills your students are learning at home. Each Monday you will receive a double sided practice that addresses the two UFLI lessons being taught that week. On Friday, August 18 I am adding to student binders a sheet protected lined paper resource and dry erase marker that you can practice the WORD Ladder portion of the home practice. To better assist you in understanding how to use the home practice with your student below is a short 5-6 minute UFLI Home Practice DEMO. Please always feel free to reach out to me if you have any further questions regarding your student, their progress and educational needs and goals. Thanks, Mrs. D.

UFLI Home Practice DEMO VIDEO: 

Accelerated Reader and Baggy Books

Accelerated Reader: 

4th Quarter Goal: 5 points

There are several ways your student can earn their AR points. (1) weekly library book checkout. Your student will be able to check out two books weekly. (2) weekly baggy books (see more baggy book details below. 

(PLEASE WATCH) Video from Mrs. Bowersox, our Media Specialist

about Accelerated Reader program

Baggy Books: 

Reading Baggy at home format:

Class Calendar

Weekly Class Schedule

Dimmick Schedule 2023_2024_updated 08062023.pdf

About your teacher

PI Time Opportunities

Parents will have opportunities throughout the year to earn parent involvement (PI) time. Please refer to your Parent Manual for more information about PI Time requirements and policies. You can link to the manual 


Here is a link to the VCS ongoing campus wide volunteer opportunities that often need volunteers and support. Great way to earn your PI time all around the different campuses!


Additionally...volunteer opportunties will also happen throughout the year through our classroom either by donating your time, materials, or financially for special class projects. An example of these types of support can be: 

I will include up coming needs and chances to earn PI time on this connection pages as they come about using a Google Forms format as the opportunities occur. 

Class Rules and Expectations

Dimmick Behavior Plan 2023-2024 SY_Updated 083023.pdf


All school policies can be viewed on the HOT TOPICS section of TVCS Web Site. Please note specifically the updated policies for this 2023-2024 school year at the bottom of the page. 


CLASS AMAZON WISH LIST: Hi parents and families. While we have a lot of materials in my class, there are some needed items for the class centers this year. Please let me know if you wish to contribute. PI time opportunity and I truly appreciate your support. Thanks!


*Please always make sure to check your student's agenda each night.

Also for TVCS school updates check  www.tvcs.org under Hot Topics.