2nd  Quarter Archives

Learning brings us so much JOY in First Grade! Take a look at what we are doing inside (and outside) the classroom! Scroll down to find information and photos of the students' class work and projects.

Photo Gallery:

Week 20

Week 19

Week 18

Week 17

Week 16

Fruit of the Spirit Award: Aliyah

Week 15

Week 14

Week 13

Week 12

Week 11

Week 10

Week 9

Week 8

Week 7

Map Making with 5th Grade Buddies!

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Student of the Week: 


Spine Models

Field Trip to the Capitol Building and HTY

Digestive System Model!

Buddy Reading

Week 2

Its hard to fix a wrinkled hart!

Its hard to fix a wrinkled hart!

Its hard to fix a wrinkled hart!

5th Grade Buddy Time

We love to read!

Get off of me, GERMS!