First Grade

"For the JOY of the LORD is your strength." 

Nehemiah 8:10


Memory Verse

“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed.”

2 Timothy 3:14

Upcoming Events

May 15- Author Celebration at 11am

May 17- Mrs. Clifford's Last Day before Maternity Leave (Tentative)

May 27- NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day

May 31- Last Day of School

June 10-14- VBS, 1pm-4pm

Quarterly Offerings

For the third quarter our chapel offering will support Lutheran Hour Ministries' Gospel Adventures. Through our NLSW online mission trip students will be learning about the culture and ministry opportunities in Australia. Offering collection will then support the growth of the church in Australia and other places around the world.

Online Learning Resources


Epic Books Class Code:  ymb4686

Class Dojo:

May Birthdays

