What is the Public Sector Equality Duty?

The PSED was introduced by the Equality Act 2010 and applies to all state-funded schools, including maintained schools, academies, maintained nursery schools, and maintained special schools. This is because they are public bodies delivering a public service.

Three Main Elements

The DFE’s advice for schools explains that the PSED has three main elements. In carrying out their functions, public bodies are required to have due regard to the need to: 

Due Regard

Paragraphs 5.4 and 5.5 of the DfE's advice explains that 'due regard' means giving "relevant and proportionate consideration to the duty".

For schools, this means:

Protected Characteristics

As listed in the Equality Act 2010:

Note: the first and last protected characteristics above are listed in the revised Equality Act 2010, but are not listed in the DfE guidance mentioned above. Age as a protected characteristic does not apply to pupils in schools, so pupils can be treated in ways appropriate to their age and stage of development without risk of legal challenge.

How do schools demonstrate compliance with the PSED?

Schools must publish information to demonstrate how they are complying with the PSED. This information must include, in particular, information relating to people who share a protected characteristic. The requirement to publish equality information in relation to staff is only applicable for schools with more than 150 employees and therefore we are not required to publish this information.

Schools must prepare and publish equality objectives. Equality objectives usually address outcomes for pupils but they can also aim to reduce or eliminate inequalities for parents, members of the community and the school workforce.

Schools are required to update this published information at least annually and to publish objectives at least once every four years.

What does our school do to eliminate discrimination?

We have set a clear Christian vision and values which expect all our staff to act in a non-discriminating manner and be mindful to avoid actions that will be deemed as such to the public and our wider community.

Our policies demonstrate that discrimination is not tolerated, e.g. staff code of conduct, behaviour, anti-bullying, safeguarding and child protection. 

We agree to make reasonable adjustments to overcome barriers to using services caused by disability.

School leaders involved in recruitment will avoid unlawful discrimination in all aspects of employment including recruitment, promotion, opportunities for training, pay and benefits, discipline and selection for redundancy.

Through a structured RSE and PSHE curriculum, Collective Worships, reflections and visits, equalities will be discussed with and taught to the children, exemplifying the British Values and Christian Vision that we believe in. 

ON Public Sector Equality Duty