Special Educational Needs

We aim to meet the needs of all children irrespective of whether they have physical, sensory, emotional/behavioural, specific or general learning needs.  Parents who are concerned about aspects of their child’s progress are encouraged to discuss these first with the class teacher and then the SEN co-ordinator and the Head of School.

Children who have Special Educational Needs will generally have their needs supported within the classroom.  They will each have an individual education plan tailored to their needs and will receive extra support from a trained member of staff.  They may occasionally be withdrawn for individual tuition.  If the need arises, we can call on a wide range of specialist advisors.

Parents will be involved in discussions from the outset and will work with the staff enabling children to succeed.  The children’s progress will be reviewed regularly so that Individual Education Plans and support can be amended when necessary.

There are four key policies related to SEND which we encourage parents to read

SEND Policy

Special Educational Needs Information Report

Equalities Policy

Behaviour Policy

Key Principles