

The curriculum is everything that happens in a school that enables the child to develop his/her full potential intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually and physically. The curriculum, therefore, encompasses lessons, other activities and the general atmosphere of the school. This is the whole curriculum. The curriculum has been developed to be broad, balanced and relevant. Our curriculum supports the fundamental British values and teaches pupils tolerance and respect.  

The subjects in the New Primary Curriculum are:-

Click Here to download the Primary National Curriculum


At our schools, we believe that the development of the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are fundamental to all learning, and that the ability to communicate effectively in speech and writing is a necessary skill for life. We aim to foster a lifelong love of reading through all its different forms.

English is taught both as a discrete subject and through cross-curricular topics. This helps children to appreciate the relevance of their literacy learning. Increasingly, ICT is becoming a key component of literacy, so that your children are equipped to be 21st century learners.

A wide range of activities, along with an emphasis on phonics is used to teach children to read, and as soon as they can read with a degree of fluency, they are encouraged to read from as wide a range of texts as possible. It is recommended that children read and share books for ten minutes per day in Key stage 1. It is just as important for children to talk about the text as it is for them to read it fluently. 

We teach phonics through Little Wandle 

Our pupils have access to a wide range of phonic based reading books (fiction and non-fiction) which are closely matched to each child's phonics development.  

To access our long term writing plan please click here 

Old Newton Reading Intent Curriculum statement 

Old Newton Writing Intent Statement 

Old Newton Phonics Intent Statement

Old Newton Writing Progression Document - By Year Group and Genre Type


We aim to develop confidence in mental calculation skills providing children with a range of mathematical strategies and understanding necessary for life. 

Throughout our maths we concentrate on ensuring children understand how maths works and the development of a good understanding of number. Number facts such as number bonds, multiplication tables and doubling are practised and developed at school and at home. We place emphasis on investigation and practical activities working on exploration of number, shape, space, measurement and data handling.  Homework reinforces objectives from the lesson and provides opportunities to practise key skills. Links are made across the curriculum wherever possible to enhance the children’s understanding of mathematics.

Maths Curriculum Statement of intent 

White Rose Progression Map Year 1 to 6

White Rose Progression Map EYFS

Mastering Number Programme Overview EYFS


We believe that children are naturally curious and in science we aim to channel their curiosity about the world.  Children are encouraged to find answers to their questions in a scientific manner.

They are taught to investigate, observe, and develop fair tests, record systematically and to make simple conclusions through practical activities and investigations.

Science Long Term Plan EYFS-Year 6


A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. 

Computing Progression Document EYFS-Year 6


From Early Years onwards pupils are encouraged to try out different mediums in various contexts, interpreting the world around them through colour symbols and materials.  Whilst being taught techniques and styles, pupils refer to the works of well-known artists.  Art is not just a standalone subject but is often linked to other subjects or topics.  ICT plays an important role in the children’s experiences. 

We use local artists to work with us to enhance the children’s experience of art.

Art Progression Document from EYFS - Year 6


In music lessons children enjoy a wide variety of appreciating, composing and performing activities.  They are encouraged to co-operate in groups to produce quality work.  All children are involved in a yearly music and drama performance. 


Pupils are given the opportunity to develop an awareness of the past and how it may be different from the present.  They investigate local history and are taught how to use primary historical sources such as documents, photographs, artefacts and old maps.  Visits to places in the village, historical sites and museums enhance the children’s understanding of events and people from the past, locally, nationally and internationally.  British History together with European and Non-European ancient civilizations are studied.

History Progression Document


Children cover a wide variety of geographical themes in which they learn about local, national and international places.  We place much importance on the geographical skills needed to study these places, for example, mapping skills.  Children also look at issues within the news, increasing their knowledge through using real life case studies.

Geography Progression Document

P.E. & Swimming

Our Physical Education curriculum develops the children’s strength, stamina and co-ordination.  We encourage positive attitudes to personal health, sportsmanship and emphasis safety issues.  These activities include gymnastics, games, athletics, dance and swimming.  We support inter-schools sports events e.g. hockey, cross-country, rounders, swimming and netball. We include a variety of taster sports events and session throughout the year.; this year these have included parkour, climbing, scooters and circus skills.

PE Long Term Plan 23-24

Relationships Education (RSHE)

Through R.S.H.E. children explore the themes of rules, ourselves, feelings, communities, citizenship and global issues.  As well as being a taught subject, R.S.H.E. forms the foundations of school life where pupils take on responsibilities and make decisions through roles they engage in; for example, monitors, school councillors, team captains, club leaders and members.  They are encouraged to bring their own experiences to learning and help mould our learning communities. 

This is a subject that continually evolves with new government initiatives and the development of wider community links and our federation.

The Governing Body’s policy on RSHE is available to view on the website.

Parents may withdraw their child from aspects of the sex and relationships education programme that are not part of the science curriculum. Please contact the Headteacher to discuss this matter.

Design Technology

Design Technology provides opportunities for all pupils to apply and use a range of concepts in different media.  Pupils will be encouraged to use a variety of tools and equipment to produce quality products.  They will be expected to evaluate their designing and making, to judge their own performance and to identify ways in which they can improve their work.

DT Progression Document EYFS - Year 6

Modern Foreign Languages

French is taught to pupils in KS2. Children learn to read, write and speak French in a fun way,  singing songs, playing games and play-acting with puppets. 

Collective Worship

As a Church of England school our daily acts of worship are Christian. Parents may withdraw their child from the daily act of worship but are encouraged to discuss this with the Headteacher.

Religious Education

In March 2018 Old Newton Primary had a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools ) Inspection and were rated 'outstanding' in all areas. 

In our Voluntary Controlled Schools, religious education is in accordance with the Suffolk Agreed Syllabus. To deliver this syllabus we use the Emmanuel Project across the school. 

Please  follow the link to view a Long Term Plan developed for the Emmanuel Project with an overview of each topic. In our mixed year group classes, the first year in the class is taught in Year A of our 2 year curriculum and the second is taught in Year B. For example, the Year 3 curriculum is taught in Year A followed by Year 4 in Year B. 

How does the EYFS scheme connect to the syllabus? 

The scheme of work meets the requirements of the Suffolk Agreed Syllabus p.20-21 i.e. 

a. to introduce Christianity as the ‘heritage religion’ of the country and the one that most influences school and community life 

b. to build on religions represented among the pupils e.g. different Christian denominations or the major world religions, so the experiences and interests of children can be used as starting points for learning and teaching 

c. To sample from major world religions, outside the children’s experience, in order to extend their knowledge and understanding


How does the KS1 scheme connect to the syllabus? (Suffolk Agreed Syllabus p. 26-27) 

The programme of study meets the exact requirements of the syllabus i.e.

 · 7 Learning Themes for Christianity (approx. 6-8 hours / half-term) e.g. Prayer and Worship

 · 4 specified learning themes for Judaism 

· an encounter with examples from other religions as appropriate


How does the KS2 scheme connect to the syllabus? (Suffolk Agreed Syllabus p. 28-30) 

The programme of study meets the exact requirements of the syllabus i.e.

 · 9 Learning Themes for Christianity (approx. 6-8 hours / half-term) e.g. Inspirational People 

· 4 specified learning themes for Islam and Hinduism 

· any 2 learning themes for Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism · an encounter with Humanism or other non-religious world-view

We further enrich the Emmanuel project by visits to places of worship and by inviting visitors into school. We have strong links with our local church and Methodist church and members of both churches regularly contribute to our Collective Worship in school.

Parents may, if they so wish, withdraw their child/ren from religious education, but are encouraged to speak to the Headteacher about their concerns.

RE Progression Document EYFS- Year 6


Homework is a very important part of the partnership between schools and home. To read the Homework Policy (which gives indications of expected amounts for the different age groups) please click here