
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and follows the Education Act 2002, section 157 and 175. We expect all staff, volunteers, governors and parents to share this commitment. 

Click here to visit the Tilian Safeguarding webpage

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Lockyear

Alternate Safeguarding Leads:  Mrs Lambourne and Miss Southgate

Named Governor for safeguarding: Mr J Harbidge

Any concerns should be reported directly to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), who has overall responsibility for Safeguarding, or the Alternate DSL if the DSL is unavailable.

Please do share with us any Safeguarding concerns you have. Alternatively 'phone Customer First Freephone no: 0808 800 4005 or Suffolk Police main switchboard no: 01473 613500 or 101.  In an emergency dial 999.

Suffolk's Guidance and Procedures for Safeguarding Children are available from 

Early Help

All families at some time need help to cope with particular issues. If you need advice or guidance please speak to your child's teacher initially or make an appointment to see Mrs Lockyear, Headteacher.

When a family needs support we may suggest a CAF is completed. The CAF process enables us to involve other agencies to support your child