
All children are offered a range of visits connected with the on-going work in class.  They give enjoyment and extend the children’s interest and knowledge.  We ask parents for voluntary contributions towards the cost of these visits.  However, without these contributions some of the visits cannot take place.  We appreciate this may sometimes be difficult for some families.  If parents experience any difficulty in funding trips, they should in the first instance speak to the Head of School.  These discussions will be dealt with in strict confidence.

School trips are often linked to topics we are covering, KS2 pupils have visited the Houses of Parliament and IWM Duxford and KS1 trips have included visits to local castles and a day trip to Walberswick. Activity days with other schools within the local area are arranged. Pupils in Years 1-6 all had the opportunity to visit Thorpe Woodlands to enjoy activities such as climbing, caving , canoeing and team building exercises. 

Each year many visits and activities also take place in and around the local area. School sends out an annual parents permission approval form for those events to prevent the need for separate permission slips for each event. The Local Learning Area Procedures document, shared with parents when they sign,  explains exactly what parents are signing up for. Although most events will be communicated to parents in advance, some which occur more regularly would not, eg visits to the church. All trips and activities follow the guidance for adult ratios and are recorded on a signing out list left in the school office.

The school enters sports teams into many area competitions. These can be children of all ages and cover many sports. Recent events have included gymnastics, dodgeball, athletics and basketball when the children have competed against a number of local schools, often at High School venues.