Year 3

Once in Year 3, the children are ready to formally write in French. They are each given an exercise book which follows them through to Year 6, enabling them to refer to previous knowledge and learning and also demonstrates their progression year on year. The emphasis on grammar is more evident as the children build sentences, using previously acquired vocabulary. C'est and ce n'est pas are introduced, which enable the children to create sentences with nouns and then colour adjectives.

By the end of Year 3, the children are ready to be introduced to verb conjugation - vouloir/pouvoir -with singular pronouns.

In Year 3, the children enjoy a mini project on La Chenille qui fait des Trous - The Hungry Caterpillar. This requires them to remember the days of the week in French (learned in Year 2), the spelling of numbers and the selection of food nouns.

In Year 3, the children are introduced to bilingual dictionaries, enabling them to be more independent in their learning. At the end of the year, the children write a poem about colours, using nouns they have selected from the bilingual dictionary.