Year 1

La Veille Dame Qui Avala Une Mouche - The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

The children learn from traditional French stories, as well as well-known English stories, translated into French.

The children use puppets and soft toys, whilst sequencing events in the story of La Veille Dame Qui Avala Une Mouche.

The foundational building blocks to language learning

French is introduced informally in KS1 through singing traditional songs, finger rhymes and storytelling. In Year 1, the children learn a range of greetings, how to ask simple questions, how to respond to classroom instructions, as well as numbers up to 6 and five colours. Every lesson incorporates games, which makes learning fun and memorable. As well as learning key vocabulary, the children in Year 1 also start to learn the pronunciation of key phonetical sounds, building a foundation for all future learning.

The children in Year 1 and Year 2 have a French Take Home Bag, with French stories, recipies, games, colour/number beanbags and lots of other fun activities, to promote learning French at home.