

At Western House Academy spellings, linked to a specific spelling rule (outlined in the National Curriculum), are given out in Yr2-6 each week.

The children are taught the rule in school and are asked to practice their spellings at home as part of their homework.  They use a look, cover, say, write, check sheet in order to do this. Children can also use Purple Mash to practice their spellings through games.

The children are tested each week on the retention of these learnt spellings; this is as a dictation so they are developing their understanding about how the words can be used in context. 

Impact - How will we know we have achieved our aims?

Children use the spellings and vocabulary learnt in their own independent writing - showing that they know more and remember more.

Children complete a Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test each term and this shows that children are working at age related expectations or above.  Those that are not are supported to make progress.