

In Reception and Year 1, and for those who need it in Year 2, we use Essential Letters and Sounds to teach phonics.  This is a complete systematic synthetic phonics programme which teaches children to read quickly.  This is essential so that all children can access the whole curriculum effectively.

We view the partnership with parents as vital in developing a child as a reader.  We encourage parents to read daily with their children using the reading book that comes home each Friday to match the phonic sounds learnt during the week or by using to access your child's online book.  Reading daily with your child will ensure they have opportunity to practice and embed the sounds they have learnt.

Impact - How will we know we have achieved our aims?

Children are able to decode books at their level independently, for meaning and pleasure.

To ensure this is the case Essential Letters and Sounds has regular planned review weeks so that children can be assessed and gaps closed through targetted intervention to ensure they can continue to make good progress.

At the end of Year 1 children take the Phonics Screening Check; this allows us to identify if a child needs further support with learning the sounds in order to be able to read fluently.