

At Western House Academy we use Letter-join, an online whole-school scheme (https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/), to teach handwriting to our children.

Initially children will learn to form letters correctly and as they move into Year 2 they begin to join their handwriting to ensure they meet the end of KS1 writing expectations.  Through KS2 they continue to develop fluency and neatness, ensuring that they leave our school with the ability to communicate clearly through writing by hand. 

Children practice their handwriting on a daily basis for approximately 5-10 minutes, with the expectation that their learnt skills are applied across the curriculum in their exercise books.

If you would like to know how you can use letter join with your child at home, please watch this video:

Impact - How will we know we have achieved our aims?

Children use the letter formation and joins taught in their own independent writing - showing that they know more and remember more.

Children's writing is assessed through the moderation process, as a school and a Federation.  This will help us to identify that children are meeting the expectations for their year group and identify the next steps for each child.

Children will leave WHA with clear, fluent and legible writing so that they can communicate clearly to an intended audience.