The Grade 6 student tells us about what she does away from screen during snack and lunch, and about the weird dreams she’s recently had.

By Julie Mok

Thursday, April 7, 2022

I dislike VC@T very much. Yesterday I went walking by the sea, and it pained me that on such a hot day like this I could not swim. I daydream a lot during this "virtual school." I miss real school. VC@T is a lot harder than reality because it's so easy to get distracted, and the classes are just boring. Mandarin is difficult because through the screen I can't always hear what my teacher is saying because her internet is so bad, and during math my wifi keeps breaking up. The only upside to virtual classes is I can listen to my Depeche Mode and Ultravox in peace. I think the best class for me to attend virtually is probably... none of them. I dislike them all. But the hardest is by far mandarin. Actually, band I can skimp off if I do the work a few days before, and then I can read or listen to music or play my instrument. I do have some kind of cure for this. During snack I go downstairs and play with my brothers (usually a game we call Russia vs Ukraine) and during PE I go outside to go running. Honestly, VC@T sucks, and I would like to go back to school. I've been having weird dreams about assassinating Putin, and that I am being held captive by murderous seagulls, so I'm not sure that VC@T is healthy, but I try my best to make it liveable.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Thank GOD VC@T is over. It's such a relief to be going back into school. I'm sure it will feel euphoric. I'm still holding out hopes I can travel, but with each day my hope gets thinner and thinner. Still. At least something will keep me going. Living with my brothers has become completely overwhelming, and I'm probably only sane because I am keeping track of my favourite Formula 1 drivers. I've gotten my second dose, so I'm ready to go when we get back. I didn't have any terrible headaches or fevers, just loads of muscle pain on the leg. Totally normal stuff. I'm hanging out with a few friends today, so that's good. I hope we'll be able to continue IRL (in real life) school the entire rest of the year, because I'm getting sick with boredom. It's overwhelming. I forget what's happened in the past week. It's all a blur. I'm writing mini stories for myself, and spending my days staring out the window.

Here’s a list of my subjects and how I feel about them:

Maths: I miss algebra.

Mandarin: Don't get me started…

Literacy: I can't rant about the topics I’d like to talk about…

History: Okay, because Mr. Winbur manages to make the lectures fun

Art: Okay, because Mr. Binkley is a fun teacher

P.E: Not as fun as it would be in real life.

Science: I miss real science.

Media Tech: Okay, because I can chat with people. My only attempt at socialising.

Band: Too easy for me.

Library: Okay. I can sit on my bed.