Submitting Work Samples

Importance of Work Samples

Work samples provide a snapshot of what the student has been working on in each subject area as well as provide progress of learning.  Work samples are necessary for HSTs to review so we know that learning is occurring and that the student is making consistent and adequate progress.  They are also a part of the Master Agreement.  

Parents/Learning Coaches are expected to submit TK-12 work samples in each core subject (and electives for high school students including college courses) in the Shared Student Folder for every Learning Period.  Lack of work samples may result in an Incomplete course and/or lower final semester grade for each respective course as well as non-compliance.

What MUST be included in every work sample for TK-8?

What MUST be included/visible in every work sample for High School?

Please use a Chrome extension, such as "Go Full Page" to take a page screenshot.