Grade 9 Science Ecology Unit

Biodiversity and Cycles of Matter

  • The astronomy unit wraps up with questions about the origins of life here on Earth. Now we want to figure out how life works; not individual organisms, but systems of organisms - ecosystems.

  • The deep ideas we explore in this unit are the cycles of matter in ecosystems and the behaviour of populations when conditions in the ecosystem change. The complimentary processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis, and the cycles of matter they tie in to, are continuing themes throughout the unit. New ideas are introduced with current events and videos highlighting environmental challenges and scientific efforts.

  • The ecosystem unit can go first if the timing helps with the weather.

Ecology Course Guide PowerPoint

Course Guide - 9 Ecology.pdf

Slides containing instructions, images and videos for each lesson. The file is large and only runs properly in PowerPoint, so this is a pdf version. The full version is in the unit folder.

Ecology Lessons and Activities

9 Handbook - Ecology.pdf

An activity book for students containing each lesson. This is a pdf preview. The Word file is in the unit folder above.