Teaching 11 Physics

Articles: Cover physics content and pedagogy

Classroom Resources: Digital resources for grade 11 and 12 physics

Classroom Videos: Watch physics lessons and assessments in action!

1. Introductory Unit

2. Motion Unit

3. Force Unit

4. Energy Unit

5. Electricity and Magnetism Unit

6. Waves and Sound Unit

How to Use These Resources

Depending on your interest and teaching goals, you can use these resources in different ways.

Run Your Own Inquiry-based Physics Course: You will find almost everything you need to run a full, lecture-free physics course that is rich in scientific exploration and will train students in the skills they need for any post-secondary program. All you have to do is gather the equipment, print the handbooks for students, set up students in groups, and have fun doing physics!

Build Your Personal Understanding: Use the resources yourself to explore familiar concepts in a fresh, deep way. Read and work through the handbooks and build your personal understanding of the course content. We aren't all experts on every aspect of the course, so there is a good chance you will find helpful explanations and techniques in each unit.

Discover New Experiments and Activities: Explore the different activities and experiments for each unit and find ones to try in your own course.

Replace Your Lesson Notes: You might not be ready to move away from teacher-led lessons; no problem! Use the guided-inquiry investigations as an outline for your teaching notes (the lessons you would deliver) and replace the group work with less formal student discussions and reflection.

Grade 11 Physics

  • Handbook: Contains the daily investigations (lessons) that students work through

  • Project: Our major project that we start after the energy unit

  • Solution Sheets: The standard pages we use to write-up our solutions for motion, force, energy, and wave problems

  • Course Guide PowerPoints: Presentations that compliment our daily lessons and include: equipment photos, multiple-choice concept questions, metacognition questions, supplemental images, videos, and examples for lessons

Teaching Articles


We use instant-feedback quizzes and group work tests in our two courses. We also have a standard practice of allowing students to rewrite tests after they have shown evidence of improvement.

Assessment Videos

Grade 11 Classroom Videos

Grade 12 Classroom Videos