Tips for Zoom

Tips for Zoom You Wish You Knew at the Start of Your Course

Don't struggle with Zoom, content to just "get by". Check out these handy tricks to make your work with Zoom easier.

Zoom Tips

My Zoom Setup

Use these tips to set up your Zoom system similar to mine: Your Physical Setup, Best Settings, Generic Polls, Fix the Tiny Windows, Shortcuts

Recurring Meetings

Why? One Zoom link to rule them all! Your students can reuse one Zoom link for your class and you avoid scheduling all those dates and times or avoid creating/recreating lots of meetings! This also allows you to invest the time in setting up that one meeting perfectly. Details on the perfect setup are below!

Karen Lew puts her Zoom meeting info in her Brightspace classroom banner. Thanks for the tip!

Best Chat, Screenshare, Breakout Group Settings

The Perfect Setup

Why? Change your settings to optimize what you and your students are able to do in Zoom. Some settings are found in different and sneaky places, so it is helpful to do this just once for all your classes.

Zoom Versions and Updates

Why? Zoom comes in different versions and these versions are changing all the time. Zoom appears and functions differently for different operating systems and types of devices. Zoom is being regularly improved and some features exists only in newer versions.

Virtual Backgrounds

Why? Tired of seeing your junk and debris in the background of your videos? Use a virtual background and keep students guessing about where you really live. This is also handy if you want to record a video lesson using Zoom.

Your Physical Setup

Why? Zoom has many handy features and we can best take advantage of them by optimizing our physical setup. Working off one small screen with all of Zoom's little windows is a pain. Teach in style with a better physical setup!

** Using two monitors and PowerPoint: Here's another trick. PowerPoint will try to display its slide show on the second monitor, which is annoying for a Zoom class. Within PowerPoint, select "Slide Show", and then "Monitor: Primary Monitor". Problem Solved!

Generic Polls

Why? Zoom has a polling feature that is handy, but awkward. Its controls and setup are in the Zoom website, not in the Zoom client app you use when you are running your class. You can save your polling questions, but really, you only need to ever save one and then you're done.

Thanks to Herman Lam for this tip!

The Full Shutdown

Why? This is a new feature you might not have noticed before. What happens when you need to pull the plug on your students?

Keyboard Shortcuts

Why? Windows disappear! Controls get moved around! How do you open the chat? How to find the participants list? Keyboard shortcuts really help, especially when you are using two monitors.

** Note: Zoom shortcuts will only work when the Zoom window (or controls) are active unless you select "enable global shortcut". For example, if you are using PowerPoint and try a Zoom shortcut, PowerPoint is the active program so the shortcut won't be available unless you have made it a global shortcut.

Fix the Tiny Windows

Why? When you start up Zoom or enter a breakout room, Zoom appears as a tall, thin window that you have to expand. Fix this by setting Zoom to start in Full Screen mode. Also, the tiny window hides lots f controls, so if students are trying to follow your class using the tiny window, they will be convinced that lots of controls are missing!

Annotation Feature

Why? Annotations are handy to emphasize elements of your teaching or to allow student to share and participate. But be careful, the annotation controls for students are sneaky!

Test Zoom as a Student

Why? This is one of the most helpful things you can do to both learn how to use Zoom and to ensure smooth-running online lessons. Zoom is tricky because its appearance and controls are different for the host (you) and the participants (your students). Test out anything new that you are trying!

Screen Sharing

Why? Zoom moves around controls when you start sharing a screen. Pesky windows clutter what you are trying to do. And, there are also tricks to make sure your videos share properly.

Consistent Groupings

Why? I like to have students work in the same groups, in-person and online, for each unit of study.

Participant Controls are Different!

Why? The controls students see can be different than those of the host. As a result, students will have difficulties following some of your instructions for Zoom! When you give instructions, it is very helpful to show screen captures of their controls.

Looking Good on Zoom!

Why? Because looking good (or at least OK) is important! Here are tips on setting up your web camera and lighting that will help you look your pandemic best. It's not vanity, it's just good practice.