Shamini Shetye


Shamini Shetye

Shamini Shetye is a doctoral student at Teachers College in the Applied Linguistics/TESOL program with a focus on Second Language Acquisition. She holds an M.A in Applied Linguistics/TESL, from Iowa State University. Her interests include corpus and computational linguistics, second language acquisition, and technology-mediated language teaching. Currently, she is interested in exploring the use of Dialogue-Based CALL or conversational agents in improving the lexical proficiency of L2 learners. 

Career Goal: Other topics that she would like to focus on are developing tools for learner language analysis, Natural Language Processing (NLP), building language learning applications for English language learners, and developing CALL and task-based learning models for language development and assessments.

Current Technological Skills: Python, Java, Javascript, VB.Net, C, C++, C#, PHP, Oracle, and SQL Server.
