St Joseph Trades Skills Centre is Located at 439 Hoxton Park Road, Hinchinbrook
Proudly part of Good Samaritan Catholic College Direct line to St Joseph 9825-9962
Commenced delivering vocational education in July 2015.
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St Joseph TSC Promo
How do I apply for a course at St Joseph TSC?
Choose tab - 'Application Process' at top of page
How do I accept an offer into a course at St Joseph TSC for 2022?
Choose tab - 'Application Process' at top of page
MUE - Morebank Uniforms and Embroidery.
Contact shop or St Joseph TSC for online password
Fittings at Liverpool - Shop 2 / 170 George St, Liverpool Ph: 9601-0812
Our Thursday Morning Retail students excel at Work Placement
These students attend St Joseph on a Thursday morning from 8.45am-11.45am and then spend the afternoon at Work Placement in a Retail setting.
The students are enjoying their weekly submersion in the Retail industry and are gaining an understanding of Retail store processes. The students are also exhibiting a keen sense of confidence in the work they are doing.
Well done Retail students!
As a part of Good Samaritan Catholic College, St Joseph TSC follows the Good Samaritan Catholic College Covid-19 Safety Plan.