
Mode of Delivery

Courses at St Joseph are delivered in 2 ways

External Courses

These courses are available to students who attend a Catholic College. These courses are delivered in an afternoon timeslot, beginning at 1.20pm or 1.50pm and concluding at 5.20pm or 5.50pm.

Internal Courses

These courses are available to students who attend Good Samaritan Catholic College. These courses are delivered as part of the Good Samaritan timetable.

Course Progress

Students attending courses at St Joseph are referred to in terms of the stage of the course they are undertaking

New Students

This refers to students who are in the first year of study at St Joseph Trades Skills Centre. Students in this category might be in Year 10, Year 11 or Year 12.

Continuing Students

This refers to students who are in their second year of study at St Joseph Trades Skills Centre. Students in this category might be in Year 11 or Year 12

Specialisation Students

This refers to students who are currently in their second year of study at St Joseph Trades Skills Centre and are undertaking additional study at St Joseph. Students in this category might be in Year 12.

Type of Course

Industry Curriculum Framework Courses

These courses have an optional HSC exam, allowing the student to use this course towards an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank). Students must complete 2 years of study (240hr) of this course to be eligible to sit the HSC exam in this course.

Board Endorsed Course

These courses do not have a HSC exam. Students undertaking these types of courses are usually undertaking a non-ATAR pattern of study

HSC Hours

Usual type of delivery

120 hour course = 2 units studied over 1 year (at 4hours per week)

180 hour course = 3 units studied over 1 year (at 6 hours per week)

240 hour course = 2 units studied over 2 years (4hours per week)

360 hour course = 3 units studied over 2 years (at 6 hours per week)