2020 Awards

The Board of Directors of the Caldwell-Travis Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) announced the winners of the District’s Friend of Conservation and Poster/Essay Contest at its local awards luncheon on Thursday, March 5, 2020. In attendance were friends and partners of the county agricultural community including the Board and staff of the Luling Foundation.

Announced as the 2020 Friend of Conservation was Julie Zimmerman Morris. This award recognizes and honors Julie’s dedication to conservation and management of renewable natural resources. Julie has been an active friend and partner to the work of the SWCD. Julie served Caldwell County as AgriLife Ag & Natural Resources Agent from 2016 to the fall of 2019.

Awarded as first and second place senior essay winners were Katie Howe and Grace Howe, daughters of Joseph and Tiffeny Howe. Recognized as poster winner was Brody Schmidtberger, son of Keith and Elizabeth Schmidtberger. These local students answered the topic question, “Where would we BEE without Pollinators?” with original essays and poster artwork.