Extended Blind Contour Drawing

Blind Contour Drawing


Oil Pastel on Water-Color Painting

Extended Drawing


Oil Pastel, markers, sharpies, drawing pencils on Water-Color Painting

Artist Statement:

In this project, we wanted to create 3 separate things without looking at the paper. One being my hand, the other being someone seating next to me and finally someone around us. I used this as a prompt, I used a lot of different drawing supplies to make this as creative and colorful as I could. I used markers, oil pastels, a black sharpie pen, some white paint to create the clouds, and some sharpies. The inspiration for this creation was that the hand was an extremely greedy person who already has the sun (an extremely special person) but now wants the moon(a special person as well) because he/she believes that the sun just isn't enough for him/her anymore.