Foundations of Art 

"Day And Night"


"The Beauty of Music"


"Self Portrait" 


                                                  Oil Pastel on Drawing Paper






11"x 14" 


18"x 24" 




Written Reflection: 

At the beginning of this class you can tell that my skills were just getting improved. I wasn't necessarliy comfortable with the materials yet. Or showing any creativity with my pieces. I think it became more and more noticeable that I could get the point across with my work. I got to the point where I could tell what my style was. The way in which I used each tool, colors, abilites changed overtime making it so that I was able to do my work without needing to ask constantly how to use tools what shades, tints etc were. 

Most changed was for sure the mixed media project. It was one of the only projects I turned in late. It was difficult to take everything one square at a time because personally I wanted to do my dog's eyes before anything else. But I'm glad I did it that way because if I didn't it would've been a mess. It wouldn't have worked the way I needed it to. There's two projects that I am most proud of and I couldn't just pick one. The surrealism piece as well as the Art History Project. I really liked the outcome of both of them. I loved being able to paint. Painting has always been my favorite art type I adore it. Never have i not wanted to paint. I love painting. It's so simple to fix mistakes when mistakes happen you just paint over them. 

My goals for this summer and  my future with art, is I want to keep painting. I want to keep creating I want to be able to do that. I don't want to lose that spark. This class has taught me that I can do this. I want to do art. Maybe not as a career but I want this. I can and I will get it. If I keep trying. I have been paiting and creating since I was little even stupid finger painting. I've always had a want for it. I'm not great at it. But I enjoy it. 

Thank you, Ms.Medsker!