


Gel pen on Drawing Paper

Negative Space Hands


Graphite on Drawing Paper

Negative Space Leaves


Colored Pencil on Printmaking Paper

My ideas for my negative space hands was common hand gestures and common hand shapes. My ideas on my negative space leaves were the changing color of leaves in the fall and the pretty sunsets that fall brings. I came up with this ombre effect of the colors of the changing leaves and the sky.

The materials I used on my Zentangle was gel pen on drawing paper. The materials I used on my negative space hands was graphite on drawing paper. The materials I used on my Negative Space Leaves were gel pen, colored pencil and graphite on printmaking paper.

I used burnishing on my negative space leaves as well as fading the burnishing between colors to make it smooth. I structured my colors in order by the color I used to create the sunset which was a light purple which I then faded it into the colors of the fall leaves. I used layering in some sections to create the color I wanted.