Alex Goodale '22


Puella nomine est Alex. Alex bonum scribit! Hilltopper amat Alex!*

Along with being the Flavia to our Cornelia (inside Latin joke you wouldn't understand), Alex is also a queen of many a histories. She went to NHD States not once, not twice, but three times! She also went to nationals TWICE, but never won :(. Also, she believes that England was in the right during the Revolutionary War, so that's embarrassing and you, dear reader, should relentlessly bully her for that. You should also bully her for getting a concussion from a flowerpot, but it's probably just nature's revenge because she eats lots of blueberries, so many that the blueberries and their flower friends have become angry and are now trying to murder her. However, Alex is genuinely the best and does not deserve to be murdered by blueberries - she hates capitalism and single-use plastics, and, as we all know blueberries are the Betsy DeVos of fruit.

*for my LOSER non-latin "friends:" puella = girl nomine est = is namedbonum = goodscribit = writesamat = loves