Research Studies Need Participants!

By Alex Goodale

Published January 12th, 2021

Hello, Needham High School! Have you ever wanted to participate in a super-cool research study but have never had the chance? Well, today is your lucky day! Students from the NHS AP Capstone Research class (read at the end for more information on this awesome class) are conducting studies, and some are looking for student participation. 

Here are the study opportunities with messages from the researchers. Please contact the researcher if you are interested in participating:

Restorative Justice - Nour Alajarma

Hi! I am conducting an experiment for my Capstone class and I would love some participants! It is just a short survey about preferred discipline methods at our school. I am looking to see if students prefer more traditional punishments like detentions or suspensions, or if they prefer an alternative form: restorative justice. Restorative justice involves engaging in your choice of community service and attending a couple of counseling sessions. If you choose to go down this path, the mistake you made will be eliminated from your record, so no one (colleges, future employers, etc.) will ever know what you did. If you are interested, please contact me at

Fast Fashion - Kate Griffor 

My name is Kate Griffor, and I am a junior at Needham High this year. In my AP Research class I am studying the detrimental ethical and environmental effects of the fast fashion industry. Did you know that “disposable fashion” makes up for 10% of the world’s landfills? Or that women and children in Bangladesh are being paid only a few cents to a dollar each day for producing thousands of garments per hour? How about that these garments can be found in US franchises such as Forever XXI, Zara, and Wrangler? In the project I am working on, I am working to discover whether fashion consuming, junior and senior students at NHS would be more ethically or environmentally concerned about the global fast fashion crisis after watching a few short video clips. This is where I need your help. All junior and senior NHS students are welcome and encouraged to participate in my short experiment about the dangers of fast fashion. I will not need more than five minutes of your time! Please reach out to me at  if interested, or if you have any questions or concerns!! Thanks so much:)

Plastic Water Bottles - Alex Goodale

Hi! I am conducting a very awesome research study about how students feel about plastic water bottles. The study consists of a short survey followed by a two to three-minute video with a couple of questions, and a follow-up survey a month later. Each survey should take around three minutes, so it will not take up much of your time. I am sending out the initial survey this Friday, January 15th. If you are interested in participating, email me at or sign up on this google sheets. Thanks everyone!

Course Selection - Sarah Lucey

Hi! My name is Sarah Lucey and I am conducting a 2 minute survey for my AP Capstone class and will need 9th, 10th, & 11th grade participants! My survey’s purpose is to study the course level selection of Needham High School students for the 2021-2022 school year through a socio-psychological lens. Although the form asks some questions about course selection these decisions will not impact the course you take next year- they are not final in that matter. I hope you consider participating! The form will be sent out within the next week or so! Please email me at if you are interested or have any questions.

SAT and ACT - Maddy London

This survey is determining if the SAT and ACT are biased. The survey will take about 5-10 minutes and it is open to all Needham High Seniors to take. If under 18, you will need a parent to consent to your participation. All directions are shown in the survey and a link will be sent out to all seniors. Thank you!

Doesn’t AP Research sound like a fun and amazing class? This class is one part of a two-year course called AP Capstone, which consists of AP Seminar (the first year) and AP Research (the second year). Students can either take it their sophomore and junior year or their junior and senior year since it is a two-year course.  If you are tired of classes with a very set curriculum with little time to do what you want, this is the class for you! In Seminar, you study a wide variety of topics of your choice, and at the end of the year, you submit two papers and two presentations to the College Board. The best part is, no one tells you what topic you have to write about: it is completely up to you! In Research, you spend the whole year conducting your own research on a topic of your choice and putting together a paper about your findings. Both courses develop skills in research analysis, evidence-based arguments, collaboration, writing, and presenting, which are all skills you will need in college and beyond!