December Edition

Letter from the Editors:

We uncovered shocking news this month... Mr. Stanczak is a 750s hallway person (if you don't get the reference, you clearly haven't taken this quiz - how dare you!). In other shocking news, Eleanor is Mr. Stanczak (if you don't get this reference, you clearly haven't taken this quiz). We will forgive you, but get on it, it's a great way to procrastinate... as is reading this edition of the Hilltopper.

Seniors, shoutout to you! You're sooooo close to not having to pay attention in school anymore. In the meantime, mock your friends for what they looked like freshman year (we have thoroughly enjoyed mocking Nicole :/ ).

In this month's edition, you can find out how your peers have been quarantining, what other's think of the Chem scale, as well as hearing the latest fluff from our favorite figment of the imagination, Señor Hilly the Hilltopper, and their quest for love. We, the Hilltopper Editors, would once again like to thank you for stopping by - we're always presently surprised when people actually read our articles. Or do our Buzzfeed quizzes!

We know we're the only newspaper you all read regularly, and we need your help! Send us Needham High's viral TikTokers and give us your best ideas for Buzzfeed quizzes anonymously here for our next edition. Go rockets!

Your editors,

Nicole, Eleanor, and Maddie

Photo courtesy of Mr. Sicotte "Quiet Times at Needham High School"

Will Needham Schools Close? Other Schools Might Tell Us the Answer

By Eleanor Mackey

While Gutekanst is not known following nearby schools, these districts' choices on when to close and what schools to close gives an interesting insight into what might happen in Needham.

A nostalgic photo from Ms. Marx's Period D Chemistry class during the 2019-20 school year

Standard Based Grading in Chemistry: Fundamentally Flawed?

by Bayley Basson and Talia Bloom

Students have found that this system does not reward students’ effort, leads to an unhealthy environment of perfectionism, prevents learning, and does not make sense given the stress of the pandemic and the flipped classroom model.

Picture This: Sports Growing Up

by Emma Curry, with images from Dave Arnold

Photo courtesy of Sophia D'Amelio

What it's like to Quarantine from Needham High

by Nicole Allen

Quarantine, both as a positive individual or a contract-trace, left these five students, and many others, feeling a bit isolated, confused, and frustrated. With the social and emotional impacts of quarantining on students, it’s important for the school district to consider how students are affected as they continue to contract-trace the virus.

Photo courtesy of Jeremy Gold

Remote Students Against TECCA

by Jeremy Gold

Many questioned whether or not TECCA be a sufficient alternative to a typical Needham High School course. The short answer is no.

Photo courtesy of Mr. Sicotte "Quiet Times at Needham High School"

How Do Students Really Feel About the 10% Term?

by Alex Goodale

Despite all the challenges with remote/hybrid learning, we all (hopefully) survived. Now that we are in the second quarter, we can finally discuss a hot topic: the first term is only worth 10% of our overall grade.

Picture This: Girls' Field Hockey vs. Brookline

by Gwen Kwong

Photo courtesy of NBC News

An Explanation of Massachusetts's Covid Rules

By Tommy Langford

There has been a lot of confusion surrounding Massachusetts’s Covid laws and the enforcement of those laws. So I will try to clear those up for you.

Photo courtesy of Warners Bros./D.C.

How Wonder Woman Might Change Cinema

By Nick George

Studios have continued to always debut their blockbusters in traditional theaters before sending them off for digital releases… until now. Because thanks to the global pandemic, Wonder Woman 1984 is headed to cinemas as well as the streaming service HBO Max on the same day: December 25th, 2020. And that just might change everything.

Photo courtesy of @DDomnarski on Twitter

What NHS Teacher are you?

From the Procrastination Station

use this quiz to find out which NHS teacher is your kindred spirit.

Picture This: Girls' Soccer vs. Wellesley

by Gwen Kwong

Photo courtesy of the Boston Herald

Needham Votes Blue...What a Surprise

by Abigail Sprinsky and Sasha Reiser

The results of this election are important to look at to understand what Needham is like in relation to the rest of the country. Needham is known to be a deeply blue town in a safely blue state, but HOW blue is it?

Photo courtesy of Pop Style TV

Fall in Love with Hilly the Hilltopper

By Hilly the Hilltopper

Basically the only famous I would ever want to be is married to a very rich man famous- like Elizabeth to a Darcy but I don’t even need the hundreds of pages of awkward sexual chemistry. I just need the copious amounts of cash and the feeling that I’m doing something good for the world.

Picture This: Boys' Soccer vs. Wellesley

by Gwen Kwong

Photo courtesy of Hadas Duchin

The Perils of Holiday Travel During Covid

by Hadas Duchin

This is our new reality. And like it or not, we have to abide by these rules in order to protect ourselves and each other. Just like we wouldn’t want strangers touring Needham, potentially increasing cases, which would lead to schools shutting down amongst other things, strangers don’t want us to come to their towns or countries and mess up their plans.

Photo courtesy of Jackie Alford

My Biased Opinions on the Best Thanksgiving Foods

by Evie Lookwood Mullaney

Come on. Do I really need to explain this one?

Picture This: Needham in Winter

by Sophia D'Amelio

Photo courtesy of Sophia D'Amelio

Winter Positives Despite Pandemic

By Chloe Shigueta

With the Coronavirus death toll in the United States rising, it can be hard to stay optimistic and find something positive to grasp onto. So, here are just a few things to help you roll into the holiday season smoothly...

Photo courtesy of The New Yorker

A Recap of The 2020 Election Results

By Owen Woo

As most people know, Joe Biden is the winner of the U.S. 2020 Presidential election, making him the 46th President-elect. Biden won the Electoral College 306 to 232, and he won the popular vote by more than five million votes.

Photo courtesy of Inside Higher Ed

Which Late-To-Zoom-Class Excuse Are You?

From the Procrastination Station, By Rena Hneidi

We've all been late to Zoom class before. Sure it slides the first few times, but after a while, you need some fresh excuses. Take this quiz to find out which late-for-class excuse you are!

Photo courtesy of Shelterbox

NHS ShelterBox Club Raises $4,000 in 2020

by Alex Goodale

The ShelterBox club has achieved much success since 2020 began, and in total has raised $4,000. Each ShelterBox, which consists of a weather-resistant tent, blankets, cooking set, water filter, etc, costs $1,000, and each tent can house up to 10 people. This means that the NHS ShelterBox club has provided a temporary shelter for 40 people!

Cross Country vs. Natick

by Gwen Kwong