Winter Positives Despite Pandemic

by Chloe Shiguetta

Published December 1, 2020

Photo Courtesy of Sophia D'Amelio

“It’s winter break!!” is a phrase that many cannot wait to hear. Not because students dislike school, but simply because of the times we are living in. With the Coronavirus death toll in the United States rising, it can be hard to stay optimistic and find something positive to grasp onto. It is important to treat ourselves this winter especially--for the sake of our mental health and because we have been through so much already. So, here are just a few suggestions to help you roll into the holiday season smoothly:

❆ Buy some cozy pajamas! Whatever weather these coming months may bring, it’s always good to have some fuzzy socks to slide into or a warm hoodie to bundle up in.

❆ Light some candles! Candles often relieve people of stress and lower their blood pressure. They also create a cozy atmosphere for when you’re reading a book, watching some Netflix, or simply lying in bed at night.

❆ Watch some holiday movies! Even if you don’t celebrate certain holidays, cuddling up in a blanket and watching classic winter movies is a great way to relax and settle in for some ‘you’ time.

❆ Make yourself some hot chocolate or other hot drinks! It’s always nice to have a warm beverage by your side when you wake up in the morning with breakfast or when you’re snuggled up in your bed at night.

❆ Decorate your house (even a little earlier than usual)! Hanging up some holiday lights outside could cheer you and your neighbors up. Also, putting up some holiday decor in your house will brighten your mood, regardless of what holidays you may celebrate.

❆ Go outside and enjoy some winter air! Feeling the crisp, winter air will refresh and rejuvenate you. Also, seeing a glistening, fresh blanket of snow on lawns and rooftops can put you in the holiday spirit even more.

Of course, these are just a few suggestions to make your holiday season merry and bright. During the holidays, it’s important to spread love and happiness but not Covid-19. We all need to do our best to follow safety guidelines this winter as we celebrate. Happy Holidays, everyone!!