My Biased Opinions on the Best Thanksgiving Foods

by Evie Lockwood

Published December 1, 2020

Photo courtesy of Jackie Alford
  • Apple pie

I think pumpkin pie tastes a little bit like baby food, whereas apple pie is a classic, well-loved dish. It’s tasty and appeals to everyone, and is really a slice of my childhood.

  • Dinner rolls

I mean, it’s bread. Not sure what else I’m supposed to say.

  • Cranberry sauce

Homemade cranberry sauce is a really delicious and tart side, a staple on any Thanksgiving plate! However, canned cranberry sauce is an embarrassment to humanity and not unlike fruit jello.

  • Pecan pie

With the right recipe, pecan pie can be a great addition to dessert--an underrated pie. The crisp pie crust with the sweetness of the filling and crunch of the pecans is an unbeatable texture and flavor combination.

  • Mac’n’cheese

An obviously amazing food, but I’m not really sold on it as a Thanksgiving dish. Apparently it’s very popular across the country though, so I figured I would include it here. Points off for the lack of holiday spirit, but still above stuffing, which offers absolutely NO competition.

  • Stuffing

Note that this ranking applies only to dry stuffing! I think I can speak for everyone when I say that wet stuffing tastes and looks like what you imagine the waterlogged food in the drain of the sink would taste like.

  • Gravy

Gravy is great with turkey and mashed potatoes, and is a fairly solid sauce on its own!

  • Pumpkin pie

In my experience, pumpkin pie is too mushy and only good if combined with other things, like cheesecake or as an ice cream flavor.

  • Turkey

Turkey is okay, but we really only eat it out of tradition rather than flavor. It also only tastes good when it is supported by side dishes, whereas a truly delicious food can stand on its own. I feel like everyone who likes turkey is lying to themselves--has anyone actually ever had a turkey that wasn’t drier than the Sahara?

  • Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are an underrated vegetable! They’re sort of the classic disgusting food that kids refuse to eat on cartoons, but they’re delicious if made right. Especially roasted in the oven! Ranking them on the low side because I know my other opinions are gonna start some arguments on their own.

  • Mashed potatoes

I just hate the lack of texture in this food; I’d much rather have roasted potatoes or something crispy. Completely smooth mashed potatoes are a grown up, salty version of baby food. I’m aware that this is controversial.

  • Sweet potato casserole

Sweet potato casserole is like communism: good in theory but terrible in practice. It seems like it would be a fun, sweeter dish with marshmallows, but it actually is sort of all one texture and gross.

  • Green bean casserole

Come on. Do I really need to explain this one?