The header above is made by  Adobe Photoshop

"DATA is like a second home to me, everyday I am welcomed in, I come in with a smile on my face to see my teachers."

-Sofia Wilmot

About me

Hello! My name is Sofia Wilmot. I am a middle schooler at DATA at Ed White. I am so glad I came to the DATA program. I was scared to come to middle school, but at DATA they made me feel welcomed. I have made so many good friends here. All the teachers have helped me so much, they make sure I know everything I need to know.

About DATA

DATA stands for Design and Technology Academy. DATA is a technology based program. In out program we get two extra classes called Tech Apps and Multimedia. In these classes we have learned how to use programs like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Adobe Illustrator. DATA is a magnet program so we have all honors classes. DATA starts in middle school and extends through high school.

Here is a picture on the map of where Ed White Middle School is. It is interactive so you can use it to see how to get there!

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