Hi!!!! My name is Avelina and you have just clicked on my digital portfolio. I will be guiding you into what we will be doing at DATA, Ed White MS! I am 12 years of age and love SZA๐Ÿ’—, my fam, my friends, volleyball ๐Ÿ, and FOOD. In this portfolio I might have some things from Science, Math, Art, Health, App Tech and etc.ย 

About the Header text ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’—

The program that I used to make the header text was Adobe express. Adobe express is a program where you can make header picture, text, and generative fill in YOUR own way. First you would have to type on your device Adobe Express and click on the link it has (or I have) provided you. Next, you click on the program it will take you to the home screen of that website which allows you to do whatever type of programming you want. After, you scroll down to where it says "Text Effects" and click on the text box to get whatever type of pattern you want. When clicking, it should take you to a canvas where you can make the text tight to loose, the style, sample effects, tint, and results. Now last if you want to have the white outline, and because Mr. Hicks will probably tell you depending on your portfolio header you click the X right next to Text Effects and change the outline to however you like. This part is your creative freedom and one of the great touches of a header so good luck!