QR Code

This QR Code will take you to the MIT App that I made using MIT App Inventor to make the ANDROID App. This app is specifically for Android so Iphone can't use it but you can use the tablets that Mr. Hicks will provide later in the school year. I will be showing you how it looks, the different screens, and the code to make it!

Home Screen

This is the home screen to my android app! Here is where you can enter my about, hey codi, talk to me, bouncy ball, and paint pots app. Also we have the exit button so you can leave the application, (app)

Buttons to Home screen

Here are the buttons to make you open the games, exit application, and about screen. It doesn't take that long to do this and the process is super easy. I will be showing you the different buttons for each game that I have on there.

Blocks & Designer

This is where the magic happens! The Designer button is supposed to be where you add features to you app like buttons, color, scrolling or regular arrangements. The blocks button is where you add the functions to the buttons like return to menu, 


This is like my portfolio but on a app, I used the scrolling arrangements so you could see the rest of what I put.

Hello Codi

This game on the app is where you click the picture (monkey) and sound will come out of it. My monkey named Codi makes a super weird monkey sound that will get people's attention. Now about the Return to Menu button. When you want to stop pressing the monkey aggressively you would simply click on that button and it will take you back to the "Menu Screen" or "Home Screen."

Talk To Me

This is the game where you get to click on the white text box, type something, and click Talk To Me, it will say whatever you put like Hi my name is etc and more. If you were to shake it, it would say, "It's time to get sigma" every time. The shaking part and how I did the buttons will be found below the different games on this app and you will get to know how to do this.

Ball Bounce

This game is one of my least favorites and will probably be your to due to the ball not going fast so don't worry. This game is where you fling the ball across the screen and it will go where ever you flinged it. Now remember why I said it won't go fast so don't get mad if it doesn't go quick.

Paint Pot

This is my favorite game on my app where you get to color, draw, change the color of the brush, and change the color of the canvas. When you click any color it will of course put that color on the canvas. The slider at the bottom will change the size of the paint brush from small to big. When you click the Options button you will get buttons that say Return (short for Return to Menu), Wipe, Mute, and New Canvas. New Canvas is where you change the picture of the canvas so instead of seeing some boring image all the time you could see another one and draw another one.

Paint Pot Part 2

This part of Paint Pot was probably getting you wondering, "Why is there a customs button, and what's its purpose?" Well to tell you this is where you get to change the color of the canvas, or the color of the brush. When you slide the swatches they will turn to any type of color your heart desires from magenta to lime green or like I said any color you want. When you choose the color you wanted click either the Set Paint Color button to change the color


Here are the buttons that made these games come true. Hope you enjoy this part 😈

These are the buttons to Hello Codi which are a great way to start you off

Here are the buttons to the Talk To Me game which like I said this is the easy part wait until you get to Paint Pot

Here are the blocks to Ball Bounce and how I built it

Here are the blocks for Paint Pot. This was NOT the fun part and it took a lot of time and effort but I somehow got my way through it. Some of the blocks are for one button so it may seem a lot.