240328 Model Animation Video Avelina Ortiz.mp4

My finished 3D Video

Here is my finished 3D Animation Video which is in the complete and finished submissions videos and is my very last project of 3D Modeling sadly. I used Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, SketchUp, and of course Blender! I love how it turned out and is very cute in my opinion and is my favorite thing we have done in Multi Media so far!

My 3D Model!!

Here is two pictures of my 3D Model that I begged for Mr Hicks to print and finally did. I was one of the two people picked with a pig. It took a lot of work but I did it!!

Cubes and Name

This was my first project my teacher assigned me to do. Here you can see the 4 cubes and my name. I used the line tool, push/pull tool, and the ruler tool. Now the place that I did this on. The website we used for this was SketchUp. SketchUp is a completely free 3D modeling page where you can make a 3D like image or video. You may also use the site to help to do actual 3D models with a printer!!

These are pictures of my Simple House my teacher Mr. Hicks assigned me to do. The one on the left is the whole view version, and the one on the right is a side door view. The house making it was pretty easy we used the bucket tool to paint the house, push/pull tool, offset tool, rectangle tool, line tool, and a lot more. 😊👍

240129 Simple House Scene Animation Avelina Ortiz.mp4

This is the video of my Simple House and the preview and look of all sides and views. The website that I used for the video is called Screen Pal. Screen Pal is a free screen recording website where you can take a video of anything really.

Here are the links to these websites!!

My 3D Molded Pig!!

My 3D Model!!!

Here is my 3D model that I made in SketchUp. I tested the circle tool, follow me tool to make the sphere, and the union tool to unite the shapes together. I honestly wanted to make a cow but it looked cuter as a pig with a top hat. I used the bucket tool to get his color and something that I love since it is sooooooooooo cute.

My 3D Model Video!!

Here is the video to my 3D Model I made the top hat metallic where as it spins the hat changes color. I used Blender to make this video and was really easy to do. This is not the finish one though since the background is plain but at the bottom I have the finished video of him which is very cute!

240308 Eevee 3D Model Pig Avelina Ortiz.mp4