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Hi! This is the page where you will see some stuff from my core classes! Hope you enjoy!😀


Copy of SOFIA WILMOT - My Persuasive Essay 2024 (1).pdf

This is one of many writing pieces from ELAR. This eassy is about setting limits on your phone. When your on you phone to much is can cause some really bad things to happen to your body. All the sites I used were on the bottom of the page.

Copy of SOFIA WILMOT - My Memoir.pdf

This is another writing piece from ELAR. This story is about a short part of my life. This event was really important to me that I will probably remember forever, and it will change my life for a long time.

Copy of SOFIA WILMOT - Narrative Retelling 2023.pdf

This was my first news writing piece. This piece was based on the book Hatchet. We had to pretend that this was a event in real life. I think I did okay for my first piece. I wasn't the strongest writer back then but it is okay.

Copy of SOFIA WILMOT - My Fiction Story (with my monster and root words in it).pdf

This was my last writing piece for 6th grade ELAR. There is no title (Sorry!) so we can just call it My Dear Stuffy. This is about the monster I made in MultiMedia. All the words that are bolded and underlined are root words. We were required to have at least 25 of them. I think this isn't the best piece I have ever written, but I still like it.


Copy of Copy of Get to Mars.pdf

This is my big science project. This project is based on colonizing mars. There is stuff on there like how to get water, how we will deal with the pressure change, and so much more. This project I worked with John Baumer, Joshue Lozano, and Brandon Hood.