The header you see above was made with Adobe Photoshop tools.

For Android Users Only! (sorry apple users!)

The QR you see above is my QR code for my multiapp! I've worked very hard to make my app as prefect as possible. My app has mini apps such as Hello Codi, Paint Pot, Talk To Me, Ball Bounce, and Digital Doodle. Paint Pot was my main focus. There was some difficult things to do in my app, but I think it was worth it. I spent a lot of time on my app so I hope you enjoy!😃 

As mentioned before my main focus was Paint Pot. In this app there is features like text to speech, custom colors, and a color called magic. Magic is a color, and when you color with it, it makes different colors. The options button is there so you can get rid of the colors (until you press back to colors, then they will come back). I also have notifiers in my app. This is so if you spend a lot of time on a drawing and you accidently press wipe it will say, "Are you sure?" If that was a accident then you can just press no and it will stay.

These are all the blocks I used for my coding. It's a lot! I spent about 2 weeks. Even though there is some flaws I think it turned out pretty good in my opinion.