The header you see above is made by Adobe Firefly

231027 My Favorite Things - Sofia Wilmot (FINAL).mp4

What you see above is my finished product. It took me 12 weeks, but I think it turned out fantastic. The programs I used was Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, and Bensound.

For my title page I made sure to use a easy to read font for my title. For my name it has a more fancy font then my title.

I used multiple strokes for the word food in this title screen to make it seem like a rainbow.

Because the background is more dark then light I use bright orange and a light outer glow to make it pop.

Sense the colors simular in this picture I use bevel and emboss, outer glow, and the stroke to make it legible.

Before I get into detail I did not take these pictures! I got good pictures by using the advanced photo search. The advanced photo search is a setting where you can get better photos. To get there you go to settings, click advanced photo settings, and set it to the size you want, then click done. 

This is called an animated gif. I made it using After Effects. I used a style called knots. It was a simple process and took around 20 minutes. First I had to make a background. Then all I had to do was add knots and move them around.