The header you see above was made with  Adobe Firefly

This is my DATA tee-shirt design. I made this using Adobe Illustrator. It was so fun to make I used the pencil tool for most of it. For the letters I used the effects - warp - arc and then that is the way it goes along the path of the circle. I put this art work in a competition for the 24-25 school year. Sadly I didn't win. Although, I think I did pretty good concerning this was my first try. My favorite part of this drawing was the eagle. I think the eagle looks pretty good. I didn't trace too! I used the eagle for reference.

This is my S.O.A.R poster. I made this with Sophia Cevallos. This was one of my first projects I made in Tech Apps and it was so fun to make. The S in S.O.A.R stands for self control. The O stands for on task. The A stands for achievement. Finally the R stands for respectful. The two I did was self control and achievement. The two Sophia did is on task and respectful.

This is my other S.O.A.R/E.R.A.S.E.R poster.I did the R in E.R.A.S.E.R and the O in S.O.A.R. It didn't turn out the best, but just like the other ones it was so fun to make. The E in E.R.A.S.E.R stands for Efficient. The R stands for responsible. The A stands for appropriate. The S stands for safe. The E stands for effective. The R stands for respectful. The S in S.O.A.R stands for self control. The O stands for on task. The A stands for achievement. Finally the R stands for respectful.

This was another project I made from Tech Apps. In this project I made a header for World Cultures. It is basically just a collage of images having something to do with World Cultures. I used tools like the layer mask, erase, and gradedent. Layer mask is what you she on the words, DATA, and World Cultures. Layer mask is a tool so you can make words have cool designs on it. You can use it by putting the text you want, then put an image over the text, lastly right click on the text and click layer mask. Erase is pretty straight forward, you just use the tool to erase stuff. Lastly the gradedent. The gradedent is there so you can blend two images or colors together.