My Digital Portfolio

Heyy my name is Karishma Ubongen, and i'm a 6th grader in a magnet program called DATA in Ed White MS. This portfolio will include stuff that I create as a DATA student such as Math, ELAR, Social Studies, and my other computer class, Tech Apps ‼️ 🗣️

~How I made the headers 😉

This header was created with Adobe Firefly. Adobe Firefly is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) generator that quickly comes up with art in different varieties of styles. How I created this is by clicking the text generator in the Home Page, typing what I want, and typing a prompt. What I did was flowers, so I just typed pink flowers, and it generated. Some details I added were I put the text to Tight so it looks clean and changed the font as well. I think Adobe Firefly is a great website for generating whatever you want, creatively and easily. 

The 3D modeling header was created with SketchUp. I typed what I wanted to type using the 3D Text Tool, changed the font, and colored the text using the Bucket Tool.

~Links to the websites 🤫

Adobe Premiere Pro ~ Adobe Premiere Pro is designed for a video editor's post-production workflow. 

Adobe Photoshop ~ Adobe Photoshop is a software application for image editing and photo retouching for use on Windows or MacOS computers. 

Adobe After Effects ~ After Effects is renowned for its motion graphics tools, which designers and animators use to create 2D and 3D animations with vectors and rasterized art. 

Sketchup ~ SketchUp is an easy, elegant 3D modeling program.