Tech Apps


Layer Blending Practice

We practiced blending in Photoshop, using "Divide Blend" for the code image, I added a "Reveal All" to the code, and the black brush to get rid of the edges. I duplicated the layer and put "Normal" at the end so I know which is which when I look at my layers. I flipped the image by clicking "flip horizontal" and moved the image over to the left. I chose 2 images to blend in and used different blending techniques. For both of then I added a "reveal all" layer mask, then used a brush to remove the things I don't want from the image, then changed the opacity to 50 to make the images look blended in.

Β ~ Google Drawings ~

Partner PSA

I did this project with Violet, and we worked together look for images, put definitions, and decorate. This project stands for SOAR, which was what we based our images and definitions on.Β 

This was about the elements of art using shapes, color, proportion, etc. I chose taekwondo cs that was the sport that I did for about 5-6 yrs. I chose volleyball because that is what I've been getting into, and I always play with my friends when we have a free day, and I chose cats because who don't like cats 🀷

This my unfinished Lana Del Rey vector art portrait. I used a reference to trace the outlines of her, and colored her in. I also used google drawings to do this in. πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

~ Extra Credit ~

I did this for extra credit, and did this in Google Drawings. There were required text for each flyer, and I added images from Google that is relevant to the flyer. I added a gradient for all of them, and looked at examples for inspo.

I made these headers in Photoshop, using images from Google and using layer masks to blend in the images. We made the data text from using clipping masks from our other assignment, then adding a clipping mask to the subject text relevant to the subject.Β