231030 My Favorite Things - Karishma Ubongen (FINAL).mp4

This is my final videoo!!

How I did this ⬇️

For all of these images, I used a gradient background, for all of the text, I used bevel & emboss, outer glow, and a faint gradient.

To make these backgrounds, you need to make a new layer, press the gradient tool on the sidebar, and pick the colors you want. You can also change the shape of the gradient if you want it to be radial, linear, etc.

All of these images that I created were from a program called Adobe Photoshop.

You can edit the text by right-clicking on the T sign in the right bottom corner, where all of your backgrounds, and text are. Then get a list of options you are gonna click blending options. From there, you can colorize and edit the text however you like.

Photos I usedd ⬇️




Red Panda



Lana Del Rey πŸ™πŸ˜

Taylor Swift (idk why i put this..πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ)

The Weeknd 😍