Opinion Writing Preview

1. What is the difference between an editorial and a column? A column is a opinion of a specific person while an editorial is a collective view of a newspaper.

2. List the four types of editorials. Clarifying, Critique, Convincing, and Commendation.

3. What are the five things you will need to do to make sure you write a persuasive and entertaining piece? Explain your position in one sentence, Facts, Tell the other sides view, Dont get to wordy, and Give realistic solutions.

4. On your Google Site, please give me a list of five things that you think would be great topics for an opinion piece. 

The shield online. 

1. Who wrote the story? Kyan Adam

2. What is their story about? Their story is about how the invasive species monk parakeet should be introduced into the ecosystem to help spread forests.

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing. Kyan adam wrote,"They may be an invasive species, but monk parakeets would do more good than harm by spreading forests." 

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?  Yes they discussed about the negatives it might have.

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? Did they backtrack, or did they say one thing and then somewhere else say something that was almost the opposite? No they stuck to their opinion.

6. Did they support their opinion with facts? Yes they included facts to support their opinion.

7. Are there any quotes in the story? There are mutiple quotes included in the story.

8. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)? First person

The eagle eye

1. Who wrote the story? Janelle Ponti

2. What is their story about? How unhealthy beauty standards hurt students.

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing. Janelle Ponti wrote," I believe that if you want to make yourself look prettier or more attractive, you are probably doing it for the wrong reasons.

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic? They did address what the other side might think about their topic.

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? Did they backtrack, or did they say one thing and then somewhere else say something that was almost the opposite? 

6. Did they support their opinion with facts? They did not include any facts to support their opinion.

7. Are there any quotes in the story? There were no quotes in the story. 

8. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)? They wrote in 1st person.

The Horizon

1. Who wrote the story? Aarya Kale

2. What is their story about? It is about how banning books poses a threat to American culture and education. 

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing. Aarya Kale wrote,"A threat to not only the nation’s youth but all that America stands for, banning books violates one of the core principles this country was founded on, and yet no action has been taken to find alternative solutions that provide protection from mature content yet still maintain literary freedom."

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic? Yes they did address the other side.

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? Did they backtrack, or did they say one thing and then somewhere else say something that was almost the opposite? No they stuck with their opinion.

6. Did they support their opinion with facts? They did support their opinion with facts.

7. Are there any quotes in the story? There were quotes in the story.

8. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)? It is written in third person..