Current Event quiz #12

1. What world organization was President Joe Biden addressing when he gave a speech yesterday about the Russian/Ukraine war? United Nations General Assembly

2. What are Austin emergency doing to help residents know what to do in case of weather-related emergency event? HSEM will host 10pop up events at austin public library branches.

3. How old is Instacart? Its around 2 years old.

4. How much storage will the new X-Box have? 2Tb of storage

5. How many people will be able to watch a baseball game at the newly announce stadium in Florida? 30,000 people and can host 35,000 for other events

Long answer

A. Summarize the story in a couple of sentences.  The story is about how many workers formed the United auto workers union. They formed the UAW in order to get back better pay and treament from big companies like ford. They have been striking for around a week now and are affecting the supplies for cars and many other things.

B. According to the story what are two of the main reasons United Auto Workers are striking?

Two of the main reasons the United Auto workers are striking is because they want better pay for their services and other sweeteners according to the article. They have pointed to car makers profits as prices rose sharply due to high demand.

C. What other industry could be impacted by the workers striking?

Another industry that could be affected by this is the car maker supply industry as the parts they are producing are no longer needed as many of the workers that use these parts have quit and are striking. An example of this is the united steelworkers that may be affected due to furnace shutdowns due to the low demand from the strike.

D. Should workers, who are part of a union, use their ability to walk off the job to demand better treatment? Make sure to explain why you think this.

I think they should because many of the bigger companies are trying to save money while making as much as possible as thats how you make money but that probably will affect workers there as they aren't prioritized and the company should make sure they are compensated well for there work but if they aren't a strike is an effective way to get better treatment from rich companies  that can afford to spare some more money.

E. Should workers attempt to unionize to create a situation where they have some sort of power over their employees? Make sure to explain whey you think this.

Yes i do without workers most companies would fail so they should be a priority I havent worked a job yet but I can imagine that management will try to take advantage of you in order to lose less money so even though workers are part of the company they have little to no power and can be fired or layed off or have their pay cut at anytime or may be treated unfairly so there should be some sort of union to make sure this doesnt happen in order to have fair job treatment now and later in the future.

E. Union membership, and the ability for workers to unionize, has been decreasing for many, many years (factual data can be found here: NPR 50 years of shrinking ). Why do you think that is happening?

This might be happening because companies try to prevent strikes more now that they have more influence but I would think that with more social media and the more positive reception for strikes that the number would be increasing more people might be working from home or by themself online instead of at a desk job at a compan so maybe there is less union ship from that.