Cover Types

Image based magazine covers - 

These are simple covers that are classic and serve there purpose to show off the model. It is simple but draws attention and keeps it for long enough. Nomrally it is a single person smiling at the camera and it is commonly on fashion and celebrity magazines. 

Illustration Based Magazine Covers - 

This style of magazine used to be more popular back in the past the new yorker still publishes covers with illustrations since 1925. Illustration based magazines focus on presenting something creative, unquie, and funny most of the time.  Some even use ai generated covers but it is uncommon. 

Type Based Magazine Covers - 

These magazine covers have strategic typographic that convey the messages to the audience and to spread their idea to the audience much better than a illustration might. These types of covers are rare but still seen more than illustration based covers. Modern caligraphy and letter forms might increase the amount of typographic covers out there. 

Concept Based Magazine Covers - 

Concept based magazine covers are a blend of the other type of covers it can be very effective if used correctly. The audience should be able to easily tell the what the subject is and sometimes that can be tough. Many factors should be considered like publication, target audience, location, etc. Many indepdent magazines and buisnesses normally may take this approach.